Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pro Bowl???

The NFL Pro Bowl was today, and the NFC beat the AFC, and yadda yadda yadda did anyone even know this was on?  It is not just the Pro Bowl either.  It is the same for the NBA, and NHL.  MLB seems to be the only sport that has a successful All-Star game that people actually want to watch.  Yet the MLB All-Star game still has blemishes.  All-in-all these games after the season, that don't mean anything, where the players want to avoid injury at all costs are pointless for the fact that it is a bunch of overpaid athletes that aren't giving 100% to their game and are there only to collect a bonus.  These games are an abomination to the sports they represent.  Yeah, I do enjoy seeing great players perform in their sport, but only when they are going all out on every play that they are paid to do.  These games rank about as high in ratings as old re-runs of "Little House on the Prairie".  But that's just my opinion.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Stephanie and I have watched cooking shows before and it seems as if there is always risotto served on these shows.  We had been wanting to try risotto ever since watching these shows.  One night, we decided to go to a nice restaurant for our anniversary, and chose one we had never been to (The Quarter Bistro).  Stephanie ordered the risotto, and it was instantly a hit with both of us.  From that point I knew I had to try to make it sometime.

Sometime had turned into tonight.  I decided to make:  Chicken Risotto with Basil and Lemon.  First attempt at risotto = stunning success.  Stephanie said it was very well cooked, and really creamy.  So how did I do it?  Here's my own recipe:

Chicken Risotto with Basil and Lemon

1 lb of boneless skinless chicken tenderloin
1 medium onion (yes I said onion...I know, I know)
3 tbs olive oil
1/4 cup fresh basil
2 tbs butter (unsalted)
1 1/2 cup Pinot Grigio wine
2 cloves garlic
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
7 cups chicken broth
1 lemon
2 cups Arborio rice

Prep (15 - 20 min):
Finely dice 1 onion, and 2 cloves garlic.  Cut any tendons out of the chicken (if any) and leave whole for now.  Rough chop the basil and set aside.  Grate your Parmesan cheese and set aside.  In a large pot add chicken broth and put on medium low heat. 

Cook (30 - 40 min):
In a large cooking pan (with sides, and holds about 3 quarts) add olive oil to medium high heat.  Add chicken and cook to just get a nice color on the outsides, then remove.  In remaining oil, add diced onion and garlic and saute until translucent and soft.  Add Arborio rice and mix with wooden spoon until shiny.  Add 1 cup of Pinot Grigio and continue to stir until wine is absorbed.  Once wine is absorbed, ladle in 1/2 cup of chicken broth, and continue to stir until rice absorbs the broth.  Do this 1/2 cup of broth at a time, until the rice is al dente (should take about 20 - 25 minutes).  While mixing broth into rice, roughly chop chicken into small pieces and add to rice.  Before rice is al dente, add half the basil and then salt and pepper to taste.  When rice becomes al dente stop ladeling in broth, and add 1/2 cup of Pinot Grigio.  Mix in until wine is absorbed.  At this time, add juice from 1 lemon and mix in.  Add Parmesan cheese, and butter.  Mix until butter and cheese is melted.  Add lemon zest to finish.  Then plate the dish.  Garnish with the remaining bit of basil for color and taste. 

At this point the risotto should be very creamy and hopefully really good.  Bon appetit. 


How quickly do moments pass by that if you don't stop to enjoy them, you blink and they are gone?  Take time for those moments and live in them for as long as you can.  They will be etched in your memories for life if so.  My son wanted to just sit with me for the few moments he could sit still.  He crawled up in the chair with me and leaned his head on my shoulder.  That lasted for about 3 minutes until he saw his Mr. Potato Head on the floor.  The lure of toys was enough for him to get up, but those 3 minutes I got to sit there with him were some of my favorite this morning. 

Life throws these moments at you throughout the day, just don't let them fly by without taking them in.  You'll thank yourself later.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Harry's Law - Monday nights on NBC.  Kathy Bates is great in the new television law dramedy.  It doesn't take itself too seriously, and has just enough drama to pull you in.  If you like Boston Legal, you might want to give this a shot.  There is one thing that bothers me about it though.  It is set in Cincinnati, but the characters never go anywhere in Cincinnati, and nothing is filmed here.  Even the 1 - 2 pictures they show of the city are from years past as Cinergy Field is still standing.  Not sure who provides Hollywood with media of Cincinnati, but someone should let them know that things have changed since Johnny Fever lit up the airwaves on WKRP.  Give it a chance, you'll probably like it.  I mean they did say the word "douchebag" at least 5 times on the last episode.  That's alright in my book. 


With the recent trade request of Carson Palmer (see poll on right side), it's as if the Bengals ship has received another hole in it's body.  It started nearly a month ago at the end of a disappointing 4-12 season.  After the season Ochocinco spoke out about being thrown under the bus by his coach and the sirens started.  [In the back I can hear lookouts yelling, "ICEBERG DEAD AHEAD"] Then, Mike Brown (Owner) decided to bring back Marvin Lewis (undeserving Head Coach) and hold a press conference that just proved who was pulling the puppet strings, and how disinterested he is in making the team a contender in all aspects. 

While other teams were cutting staff members that didn't "cut-the-mustard" immediately after the season, it has been nearly a month and the Bengals have still yet to make one staffing change from a predictable offense, and a mediocre special teams that helped produce another losing season in the failure that has been the past two decades of Cincinnati football.  Due to this lack of change (or possible lack-thereof), Cedric Benson has said that he will not return if Bob Bratkowski is brought back as Offensive Coordinator.  The ship has hit another iceberg.

Now with the announcement that Palmer has requested a trade and the thought that the franchise player does not want to be here, season ticket holders are jumping ship instead of renewing their tickets, at a 4 to 1 ratio [see Lance McAlister's Blog for some interesting stats].  A gash has been ripped in the hull of the Titanic...err...Bengals organization.  Enough that Councilman Jeff Berding had to resign and go full time at his main job of selling Bengals tickets for suites and working to get more season ticket holders. 

To me, it is becoming easier to make a decision as a passenger on this abysmal breakdown:  "ABANDON SHIP!"  I'm willing to wait a little longer for a life boat, but to save this fan it better come soon and with all the amenities of a luxury cruise liner of a real NFL contending team. 

- Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


As first posts go, I'm sure you are looking for something profound.  However, this is really just a starting point to see more what I'm doing and if I'm doing it right.  Trial and error never hurt anyone did it (maybe so...)?

So here's what I think for this blog:  I make posts, you respond.  Pretty simple right?  We'll talk movies, food, family, and all sorts of fun things.  I hope you enjoy and look forward to going through this.  For now though, it's after 1:00am and I've got an early morning.  Get some sleep and we'll talk later.