Saturday, January 29, 2011


Stephanie and I have watched cooking shows before and it seems as if there is always risotto served on these shows.  We had been wanting to try risotto ever since watching these shows.  One night, we decided to go to a nice restaurant for our anniversary, and chose one we had never been to (The Quarter Bistro).  Stephanie ordered the risotto, and it was instantly a hit with both of us.  From that point I knew I had to try to make it sometime.

Sometime had turned into tonight.  I decided to make:  Chicken Risotto with Basil and Lemon.  First attempt at risotto = stunning success.  Stephanie said it was very well cooked, and really creamy.  So how did I do it?  Here's my own recipe:

Chicken Risotto with Basil and Lemon

1 lb of boneless skinless chicken tenderloin
1 medium onion (yes I said onion...I know, I know)
3 tbs olive oil
1/4 cup fresh basil
2 tbs butter (unsalted)
1 1/2 cup Pinot Grigio wine
2 cloves garlic
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
7 cups chicken broth
1 lemon
2 cups Arborio rice

Prep (15 - 20 min):
Finely dice 1 onion, and 2 cloves garlic.  Cut any tendons out of the chicken (if any) and leave whole for now.  Rough chop the basil and set aside.  Grate your Parmesan cheese and set aside.  In a large pot add chicken broth and put on medium low heat. 

Cook (30 - 40 min):
In a large cooking pan (with sides, and holds about 3 quarts) add olive oil to medium high heat.  Add chicken and cook to just get a nice color on the outsides, then remove.  In remaining oil, add diced onion and garlic and saute until translucent and soft.  Add Arborio rice and mix with wooden spoon until shiny.  Add 1 cup of Pinot Grigio and continue to stir until wine is absorbed.  Once wine is absorbed, ladle in 1/2 cup of chicken broth, and continue to stir until rice absorbs the broth.  Do this 1/2 cup of broth at a time, until the rice is al dente (should take about 20 - 25 minutes).  While mixing broth into rice, roughly chop chicken into small pieces and add to rice.  Before rice is al dente, add half the basil and then salt and pepper to taste.  When rice becomes al dente stop ladeling in broth, and add 1/2 cup of Pinot Grigio.  Mix in until wine is absorbed.  At this time, add juice from 1 lemon and mix in.  Add Parmesan cheese, and butter.  Mix until butter and cheese is melted.  Add lemon zest to finish.  Then plate the dish.  Garnish with the remaining bit of basil for color and taste. 

At this point the risotto should be very creamy and hopefully really good.  Bon appetit. 

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