Thursday, January 27, 2011


Harry's Law - Monday nights on NBC.  Kathy Bates is great in the new television law dramedy.  It doesn't take itself too seriously, and has just enough drama to pull you in.  If you like Boston Legal, you might want to give this a shot.  There is one thing that bothers me about it though.  It is set in Cincinnati, but the characters never go anywhere in Cincinnati, and nothing is filmed here.  Even the 1 - 2 pictures they show of the city are from years past as Cinergy Field is still standing.  Not sure who provides Hollywood with media of Cincinnati, but someone should let them know that things have changed since Johnny Fever lit up the airwaves on WKRP.  Give it a chance, you'll probably like it.  I mean they did say the word "douchebag" at least 5 times on the last episode.  That's alright in my book. 

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