Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pro Bowl???

The NFL Pro Bowl was today, and the NFC beat the AFC, and yadda yadda yadda did anyone even know this was on?  It is not just the Pro Bowl either.  It is the same for the NBA, and NHL.  MLB seems to be the only sport that has a successful All-Star game that people actually want to watch.  Yet the MLB All-Star game still has blemishes.  All-in-all these games after the season, that don't mean anything, where the players want to avoid injury at all costs are pointless for the fact that it is a bunch of overpaid athletes that aren't giving 100% to their game and are there only to collect a bonus.  These games are an abomination to the sports they represent.  Yeah, I do enjoy seeing great players perform in their sport, but only when they are going all out on every play that they are paid to do.  These games rank about as high in ratings as old re-runs of "Little House on the Prairie".  But that's just my opinion.

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