Sunday, February 13, 2011


Stephanie and I went to see "The Fighter" last night.  We really enjoyed it and thought it was a very good movie.  I understand why it was up for so many awards.  The story was well written, and the director did a great job of bringing it all together.  Not having heard of Micky Ward, or his brother Dicky, did not hinder my enjoyment of the story.  You get drawn into the characters very early on, and begin to see who they are and what they are about within the first 15 - 20 minutes.  While the actors gave a great performance, I think Christian Bale excelled at playing Dicky Eklund.  Melissa Leo, Amy Adams, and Mark Wahlberg all delivered, but it was Christian who rose to the top of this picture in the supporting role.  You will enjoy it, but may pick up the use of some new language after the film.  If a 10 count is considered a KO, then I'd give this film about Micky "The Irish" Ward a standing 8.

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