Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I'm watching it tonight, and I watched it last night.  Not to mention the 20 plus times I've seen it before.  I never could pick what my favorite movie was before tonight, but I think it hit me as I sat here watching inmate # 30265 sit on the stairs of the courtyard as he talked about his friend's release to the other inmates and then discussing what it means to be "institutionalized".  Yes I think it is safe to say that "The Shawshank Redemption" is my all-time, favorite movie.   The acting was great, the actors themselves were beyond exceptional for their roles, and more than anything the story was so well written and delivered that you can't help but sit down and become enamored with the movie all over again every time you see it on.  The scene of the courtyard when Andy plays the opera music is moving, and more-so the sequence of Red's trip to find the piece of volcanic glass at the end of the stone wall under the tree, and all the way through his voyage to Zihuatanejo to see his friend.  That whole sequence is my favorite part of any movie and contains on of my favorite quotes: "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."  So now you know my favorite movie, leave a comment and tell me yours.

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