Monday, February 7, 2011


Is it just me or am I the only person who is getting really tired of the over-produced Superbowl?  Seeing people (celebrities/former players) interviewed as they walk the "red carpet", or even the intro that shows the struggles of America through the past century that then finalized with the talk of the struggle of a football game...I mean c'mon.  How do you compare WWII, the Kennedy speech, or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to a football game, albeit for the NFL Championship of 2011?

Just get rid of the fluff, keep the commercials, and make the star the game itself. 

Sidenote:  I don't really blame Aguilera for the National Anthem flub.  It was a mistake in the moment.  What I really had a problem with was the half-time travesty of "Sweet Child Of Mine" by Fergie and Slash.  I think at one point she was even dancing like Axel.  Wow, that was not good.

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